Movable Wall Vs. Drywall
MOVABLE WALL UPSIDE In the open-office work of collaboration and communication where most walls are coming down (not going up), movable walls, floor-to-ceiling, accommodate privacy
MOVABLE WALL UPSIDE In the open-office work of collaboration and communication where most walls are coming down (not going up), movable walls, floor-to-ceiling, accommodate privacy
How many hours a day do you spend in your chair? Do you share your chair with someone else? Is your chair used 24/7 (call
No matter if you’ve just moved into a new office space or you’re looking to replace your old chair, selecting an office chair is a
As a Southern California company, we understand that in today’s environment there are numerous projects and not enough manpower or budget. That’s when you turn to us, a trusted partner, an extension of you. We provide an extra pair of hands to facilities, purchasing, office managers, architects and designers, generally at no cost, to turn space into a comfortable, esthetically pleasing productive environment.
1167 N Red Gum St.
Anaheim, CA 92806
Call for Appointment:
Tel. (714) 525-1500